Google and NMPi’s first ever Big Debate at Kings Cross

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Google and NMPi’s first ever Big Debate at Kings Cross

Last Friday was Google and NMPi’s first ever Big Debate held at Google’s new offices in Kings Cross. With Google’s very own Richard Morris, Head of UK Sales for Google Analytics 360 (AKA: GA360), discussing and debating the pros and cons of Digital Channel Attribution with other industry professionals. It was insightful and we’re looking forward to the next one. Here’s some of the highlights…

Google’s newest offices in Kings Cross, London

The new and very innovative Google Offices in Kings Cross image

Inside the Google Offices in Kings Cross. Are they slides or stairs?

It really would be remiss of me not to comment on Google’s offices. Having visited Google’s offices near Tottenham Court Road I was intrigued to see the set up here. I didn’t see as much as I would have liked, but what I did see absolutely impressed me – another very slick operation with excellent conferencing facilities.

The image to the right is of the centre of the building, an impressive sight when you look upwards. Elevators on the side and stairs (or possibly slides as you can never be too sure with Google) rising across centre.


The Digital Topics discussed

The reason we were all there…well most of us anyway. There was a number of topics discussed and a number of speakers offering some valuable and succinct snapshots on how they felt the future of digital would unravel. Nothing ground breaking, but very well presented. Here’s a snapshot of my favourites:

“Is this the death of Digital Marketing?“

Presented by Nicola Hollow; she confesses it is an attention grabbing headline, but not without cause. Of course, digital marketing is not dead, but the days of the digital team working in the attic or basement silo’d off from the rest of the business are soon coming to an end, and rightly so. Digital will have to be integrated in to almost every team within your business to varying degrees.

Nicola also raised the challenge of digital teams needing to be ‘creative’. Often digital teams are made up of data driven logically minded geniuses who’s strengths do not lie in being creative – I have to agree here too. You could argue it’s a level playing field online without creativity. This is why emotive branding is vital to differentiate your brand from competitors.

Head of UK Sales for Google Analytics 360 Richard Morris speaking about Digital Channel Attribution

Discussing the pros and cons of Digital Channel Attribution during the Big Debate

“How to swim when you are drowning in Data”

Presented by Kate Jervis; Kate’s outlook on the power of data was simplistic and mirrored my own feelings about digital in general. Data and digital are constantly changing. So there will never be the perfect time to roll out data processes or campaigns, you will always be something missing from the process. Digital is constantly changing, so don’t let ‘excellent get in the way of good’, you create excellence later, best get started first.

“Failure is, in fact, an option”

Presented by Sarah Ward; another grabbing headline which really resonates with me. Digital is all about testing and measuring. The beauty of digital is you can often test and measure everything and rather easily too. So be prepared to test, test and test again and never treat something that is not an instant success as a failure, it’s just part of the journey to success. Naturally, you can significantly negate failure and focus your testing through bringing in experts, like Relton Associates (again, it would be rather remiss of me not to drop this in).

The cause – Médecins Sans frontières

MSF logo - Doctors Without Borders

Médecins Sans Frontières | Doctors Without Borders

As it happens, a cause very close to my heart. Also known as Doctors Without Borders. The Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) Les Médecins Sans Frontiers takes medicines and doctors to those who really need it. From war torn territories to natural disaster zones. You will tend to find them in places around the World where no other NGO goes or that country’s government ignores, like: Syria, Iraq, Myanmar (Burma) and alike. To donate (and please do if you can afford to) click here.


So, will I be attending the NMPi Big Debate again? Yes, I found it to be insightful, interesting and innovative in its delivery.

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