At the end of your Content Strategy, we will collaboratively deliver a recommended Site Map for your website. A Site Map can also be referred to as Site Navigation, Site Architecture, the Ham Burger Menu and a plethora of other terms.
Ultimately, it’s what the users will use to navigate your website. It’s a crucial element of your website as this is what search engines like Google crawl to see what your website is all about
“Google can only crawl the written word, so we choose your words wisely”

Competitor Analysis
We use our exclusive Competitor Analysis as our starting point, so we can take learnings from websites that are already successful and apply the most successful elements to your website’s structure. We then enhance it even further, ensuring you gain a competitor advantage every time. You can read more about our Competitor Analysis here

Which way to go…Deep Dive or Lite
Once the Competitor Analysis has been completed, we then know the level of data we’re dealing with and the current success of your competitors. It is at the point we decide whether to go an extra step and move you from a Lite Content Strategy to a Deep Dive Content Strategy.
‘Lite’ Content Strategy is where there’s little success with your competitors.
‘Deep Dive’ Content Strategy is where there’s really rich data and clear success from your competitors. For example, if they run a very successful Google Adwords campaign that drives a lot of traffic, we will clone that campaign and apply the learnings to your recommended Site Map.

Broader Keyword Research
Once we have established and pulled together all the data, we then spread the net even wider to ensure we’re not missing any strong and relevant keywords. This enhances your data from a natural search (SEO) perspective. We will also run a an Adwords forecast to further enhance your data.
“we took a website’s ‘potential number of visitors’ from 5,100 to 79,540 per month, whilst uncovering a new highly sort after service which the client already offered, but didn’t advertise”

Targeting your perfect client
Now that we have all the data, we apply two other elements to your Content Strategy. We do it in this order as the data we mine can be a highly informative and act catalyst for this part of the process.
This is where we discuss and collaboratively strategise about your:
Perfect Client / Target Audience – who do you want to attract to your website
Brand Story / USPs – Once a user is on your website, why are they going to engage with you? What are your Unique Selling Points (USPs). How can you help them?
Both these make up an integral part of your offering and should already be established, if not we can assist you with this.
Once we have taken you through the above process, then we make your Site Map recommendation and complete the first stage of your Content Strategy.
Whilst this gives you the launch pad for digital success, to truly dominate the search results you will need a continuous Content Strategy moving forward. Ensuring you focus on the correct keywords and key phrases that will bring you the greater success and that perfect client.

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